
Ruth Doyle Middle School
7th Grade Science

Contact Info: Jalisa Allison 450-6675

Course Description: We will be exploring methods, technology, and lab safety that scientist use. As a student in this class you will be asked to analyze and complete inquiry based assignments surrounding the topics of: plants, vertebrates, human body, life cycles, reproduction, heredity, cells, matter, solutions, atmosphere, motion, forces, energy, weather, seasons, planetary rotation and revolution. Students will gain a better understanding of the world around them.

Student Responsibilities and Information:
  • Students will adhere to classroom rules in order to create a class where students can think and share their ideas.
  • Students will be prepared with assignments and materials. Assignments need to be turned in ON TIME and materials brought to class each day.
  • Students will respect the teacher, students, and guests. It is easy to respect those we like, but it takes courage and strength to respect those we don’t.
  • Students will be in their seat when the tardy bell rings. If you are not in your seat, you will be counted tardy!

Classroom Rules:
  1. Enjoy Science!!!
  2. Be on time.
  3. Be prepared.
  4. Respect others.
  5. Use your manners.
  6. Follow instructions.
  7. Remain in your seat unless given permission to move about.
  8. Make good choices!

Parents: Learning begins at home!
Listen: Listen to your child.
Speak: Talk with your child.
Read: Read everyday.
Motivate: Let your child know they are important.
Tune in: Stay closely involved in your child’s life.
  • Check eSchool often.
  • Respond to Remind messages.
  • Make sure I have correct email and phone numbers.
  • Make sure students check Google Classroom.

Important Study Skills
  1. Study 10 minutes each night
  2. Read/review daily work
  3. Make flashcards
  4. Take notes (not optional)
  5. Ask questions
  6. Find a good study place
  7. Ask for help
  8. Don’t procrastinate
  9. Get good rest
  10. Find a study partner

Classroom Procedures:
Before Tardy Bell- Get out pencil, paper, yesterday’s work. Sharpen your pencil if needed. Put heading on your paper. Fill out planner.
When Tardy Bell Rings-Stop talking. Wait to ask question until roll has been taken. Work on bell work assignment.
During Class-Pay attention/ask questions. Make sure you look at assignment board. Put all graded items in your binder to keep.
Turning in Papers-When asked, pass papers to the front of the row to be submitted.
Science Journal- Keep all science notes in this journal. Always write down information talked about in class. Have a page for each day with the date on it. Regardless of any notes, write down what took place in class.
When Absent- Get assignments, worksheets, etc. form the make-up folders. Get notes from a classmate. Do not ask during class time. Talk to me or a friend before or after class, or email me.

Homework Rules

  1. Homework is due at the beginning of class.
  2. Late work receives ½ credit. I will not accept it past 3 days late.
  3. If you are absent, YOU must get the make-up work.
  4. It is YOUR responsibility to turn in your work to me.


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